The Haphazard Organization

Finding order in disorder


The Haphazard Organization is a portal for me to get my voice heard through an assortment of creative projects and ideas. In time, I hope the site will grow and other like-minded creatives will join me. THO has its own distinctive style. The oxymoronic nature of its name gives it a special dynamism, creating conflict and resolution. It is left-leaning. Humour and surrealism are two important ingredients in the mix. Juxtaposition is a favourite word of mine.

‘As beautiful as the chance meeting, on a dissecting table, of a sewing machine and an umbrella.’

This quote from the 19th century French writer Isidore Ducasse, aka Le Comte de Lautreamont, was later picked up and championed by the Surrealist movement and you can understand why.

As well as creating my own projects, I am a freelance creative, with experience as a screenwriter, copywriter, film producer and director, poet actor and performer.  

THOmas Tin (CEO)